Thursday 25 February 2010

Final Front Cover proposal.

This is the final layout for my front cover, all it needs is a photo, or maybe a couple, to fill the blank space.

Contents Page Layout Idea 3.

This is my thrid idea, it is the most complicated design. The layout is compact, I would like to use this one although I think it will take to long to create and make it work.

Contents Page Layout Idea 2.

This is my favourite idea for my contents page layout, it is similar to the design that Kerrang uses.

Contents Page Layout Idea 1

This is my first layout idea. It is simple but I don't think I will use this one.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Possible Front cover Layout 3.

This is the 3rd option, it is my personal favourite, comment please :)

Possible Front cover Layout 2.

This is my second option, like before can you comment on this one if you prefer this one.

Possible Front cover layout 1.

This is my first option for my layoutm please comment on this one if you prefer this one to the others.

Title Ideas.

These are the options for the font that im going to use for my title on my front cover. Please can you state which one you like most.