Friday 11 December 2009

My Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We looked at a student magazine; the main conventions were the masthead and the picture. The majority of student magazines include subjects like; college and media. The contents page in student magazines usually consists of a brief summary of everything that is in the magazine itself, including main features. I tried to include as many of these as I could in my magazine. The main things I included were the bold masthead on the front and the mid shot for the picture on the front cover. I made my magazine quite simple as it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated to work well.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The social groups that I have represented in my magazine are older teenagers or college students. I have represented them as fun and tried to include things that I think will appeal to them. The picture on my front cover is a mid shot of my friends jumping off a stage; this image evokes fun and enjoyment. In this magazine cover and contents page there a number of pictures but mostly text. The pictures are used to break up the text in the contents page.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My magazine mainly focuses around music and fashion. There are a number of magazines like this already on the market. I think my magazine has a lot too offer as all of the magazines on the market aimed at teenagers aren’t even written by teenagers. I think my magazine would be suitable for the college magazine as it features all kinds of things that interest teenagers. I think my magazine could be sold by either the college or small shops.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience I was aiming for was 16-18 year olds as they are more mature and appreciate music and fashion articles more than say a 12 year old would. Either gender would be suitable for this magazine, as it features articles and information suitable for both.

How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to attract my target audience I used colour and pictures. My front cover is quite simple but it summarises what is going to be in the magazine and would hopefully make them want to buy it. I spent a lot of time considering the name because I believe that this is one of the most important factors in the magazine. I think someone would want to buy my magazine because it is heavily associated with teenagers as it features things that they like and it is written and designed by teenagers.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt a great deal about designing magazine covers. For the most part I used publisher to create the main designs of my cover and contents page. I used paint to edit the title to make it more prominent.

As you can see each letter has had a small bit moved slightly to the left. This makes it more unique and also more fun, which was the main aim of my magazine, to be fun.
I also used effects such as colour to make my magazine more attractive. I used blogs in order to upload all my research and to also post polls on ideas like front cover layouts.

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