Monday 16 November 2009

Action Plan- First Lesson

For my Media coursework I have been asked to create a Magazine aimed at Teenagers or Students. I have to create a front cover and a contents page. My idea for the magazine was something based around Music, as this is an area that a lot of studets are interested in. In order to ensure that my magazine is appealing to this audience I am going to use a variety of techniques. However seeing as my main task is also a music magazine I have to make sure that the two aren't too similar.

I have devised an action plan so that i can tick things off as i go.

Week 1,
  • The first thing I am going to do is research other magazines to gain ideas and look at their layouts. My magazine will be quite original as there aren't many good student magazines around.
  • I have decided to aim my magazine at 16-18 year olds. This is a suitable age to aim at because generally 16 to 18 year olds will be at college so their interests might be quite similar.
  • In the first week I need to consider what font and colour schemes I am going to use. As well as this I need to consider what I am going to put on the contents page.

Week 2,

  • In my second week I am going to start designing the front cover. I will need to take some original photos to use. I think I will create two different front covers and post a poll too see which one people prefer. Ultimately the final decision is my own, although the people who vote on my poll will be of the target age so their opinion is useful.
  • In my second week I am going to focus mainly on my front cover.
  • I will need to think of an appropriate name for my magazine as well.
  • Then I will decide on the font and colour scheme.

Week 3,

  • My third week will be based around the contents page, I will need to decide on the font and colour scheme although I will use the same font and colour as I have used for the front cover.
  • I will need to decide on a few subjects for my contents page, and write the sentence underneath that is seen in some magazines.

Week 4,

  • This final week will be used to evaluate and make any changes or finishing touches that are required.

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