Wednesday 18 November 2009

Textual Analysis

Obviously the first thing that catches your eye is the name of the magazine, 'First Car.'
This magazines colour scheme is simple and quite effective. The main colours are yellow, black and white. These colours are good because they stand out and attract the eye but aren't in your face.
This magazine appeals to students because, on the front cover are the members of the show The Inbetweeners. This show is very popular with students, and people of our age.
The headline of 'The Inbetweeners, Interview inside.' The whole headline is at a slant this breaks up the horizontal lines across the whole front cover.
The picture is a mid shot of Will who is the main character. The shot is also a group shot featuring Will and the rest of the characters. The picture is on a slant which provides a good effect I think. It is unusual to see on a magazine front cover. The picture is also appropriate to the magazine as well, as they are all around their first car. Which evidentally isn't the best car in the world but that is good because it is realistic and down to earth.

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