Monday 18 January 2010

Textual Analysis, Mixmag magazine.

This is Mixmag, this magazine focuses on a specific genre of music, Dance music. The title 'Mixmag' is relivant, as 'Mix' is a term associated with DJ's and dance music. The headline features taboo language which may be appropriate as the readers might use it themselves. Also it stands out as it is in the centre of the front cover and it is bright colours. 'Guetta load of this' is a play on words as the artists name is David Guetta. Another key feature of the front cover is 'Special end of year issue' this is another tactic to bring in readers as they may see that and buy the magazine. The audience of this magazine is a younger one than that of Q and perhaps Kerrang! The strapline, 'The world's biggest dance music and clubbing magazine' tells the reader what music reviews and articles will be in the magazine itself.

The colour scheme of this magazine is white and yellow. This shows that it is live and exciting magazine. The front cover is busy and has a lot of text on it, this is too show the reader that there is a lot of information and writing inside. This is good as it means that the readers can buy the magazine if they see something they are interested in on the cover.

The picture used is a mid/ close up shot of David Guetta who is a popular artist. This is used to draw in potential readers who may enjoy his music. The photo is some what surrounded by a lot of text but it still stands out as it is infront of a plain wooden effect background. The photo is also a bit mysterious as he is wearing sunglasses so you cant tell whether he is looking at the camera, although it is more than likely that he is.

The price and barcode is featured in the bottom corner as the magazine is priced at £4.20, this means that the magazine has to appeal to its specific audience, because someone who isn't particularly interested in this genre of music wouldn't pay that much.

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