Monday 18 January 2010

Textual Analysis, Q magazine.

This is an edition of Q magazine, the main focus of this magazine is AC DC. This magazine is aimed at an older audience than that of Kerrang or NME. The bands featured in the magazine are a lot bigger than some of the bands in Kerrang which means that it may have a wider audience as more people are interested in them. Q magazine is more sophisticated than some of its rivals, it uses plain writing and not too much colour. The colour scheme is very simple, the only stand out colour is the red surrounding the Q, this shows more than anything else on the cover as it is very bright compared to the grey and black main colours. The outfit of the guitarist, Angus Young, also stands out not only because it is in the centre of the magazine but because it is burgundy. All of the writing on this front cover is is captials and is very big. This helps it to stand out , it also needs to be large so that it can be seen behind the photo. The text is a basic font but the colour has been changed each time in order to separate the Title,strapline and main focus.

The photo is a long shot as you can see his whole body. The photo is different as he has been caught mid-motion as opposed to just sitting or standing looking at the camera. The grey background helps to almost highlight the picture.

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